Vocab per Skill Unit for the Danish / EN Course (70 skills)

Part 1

Basics 1 [test]

Basics 2 [test]

Phrases - Common Phrases [test]

Food [test]

Animals [test]

Definites - Definite Articles [test]

Plurals [test]

Genitive - Genitive Nouns [test]

Part 2

Pos. Pron. - Possessive Pronouns [test]

Obj. Pron. - Object Pronouns [test]

Clothing [test]

Present 1 [test]

Colors [test]

Questions [test]

Prepos. 1 - Prepositions 1 [test]

Conjunct. - Conjunctions [test]

Part 3

Time - Dates and Time [test]

Family [test]

Occupation - Occupations [test]

Adject. 1 - Adjectives 1 [test]

Present 2 [test]

Adverbs [test]

Places [test]

Objects [test]

Animals 2 [test]

People [test]

Determins. - Determiners [test]

Prepos. 2 - Prepositions 2 [test]

Part 4

Travel [test]

Numbers [test]

Past 1 [test]

Infinit. 1 - Infinitive 1 [test]

Education [test]

Present 3 [test]

Ab. Obj. 1 - Abstract Objects 1 [test]

Past 2 [test]

Adject. 2 - Adjectives 2 [test]

Pre. Perf. - Present Perfect [test]

DK Food - Danish Food [test]

Rel. Pron. - Relative Pronouns [test]

Ind. Pron. - Indefinite Pronouns [test]

Part 5

Infinit. 2 - Infinitive 2 [test]

Medical [test]

Modality [test]

Past Perf. - Past Perfect [test]

Ab. Obj. 2 - Abstract Objects 2 [test]

Nature [test]

Progress. - Progressive Actions [test]

Ref. Pron. - Reflexive Pronouns [test]

Sports [test]

Com. Nouns - Compound Nouns [test]

Pas. Pres. - Passive Present [test]

Arts [test]

Comm. - Communication [test]

Politeness [test]

Pres. Par. - Present Participle [test]

Imperative [test]

Politics [test]

Future [test]

Pas. Past - Passive Past [test]

Business [test]

Kitchen [test]

Attributes [test]

Fu. Perf. - Future Perfect [test]

Science [test]

Events [test]

Con. Perf. - Conditional Perfect [test]

Spiritual [test]

DK Culture - Danish Culture [test]

Once Upon - H.C. Andersen [test]

General information

Last update: 2019-02-28