Vocab per Skill Unit for the German / EN Course (121 skills)

Part 1

Basics 1 [test]

The [test]

Basics 2 [test]

Phrases - Common Phrases [test]

Acc. Case - Accusative Case [test]

Intro - Introduction [test]

Food 1 [test]

Animals 1 [test]

Part 2

Plurals [test]

Adjectives - Adjectives: Predicative 1 [test]

Not - Negative and positive statements [test]

Question 1 - Questions and statements [test]

Present 1 - Verbs: Present 1 [test]

Clothing [test]

Nature 1 [test]

Part 3

Pos. Pron. - Possessive Pronouns [test]

Nom. Pron. - Nominative Pronouns [test]

Negatives [test]

Adverbs 1 - Adverbs [test]

Places 1 [test]

Stuff [test]

Acc. Pron. - Accusative Pronouns [test]

House 1 - Household 1 [test]

Conjunct. - Conjunctions [test]

People 1 [test]

Question 2 - Questions 2 [test]

Family 1 [test]

Part 4

Acc. Prep. - Accusative Prepositions [test]

Numbers 1 [test]

Food 2 [test]

Dat. Case - Dative Case [test]

Money [test]

Dat. Pron. - Dative Pronouns [test]

Family 2 [test]

Dat. Prep. - Dative Prepositions [test]

Body 1 [test]

Formal You - Formal you [test]

Some- [test]

Shopping [test]

Travel [test]

Numbers 2 [test]

Colors [test]

Imperative - Verbs Imperative [test]

Occup. 1 - Occupation 1 [test]

Prepos. - Prepositions [test]

Materials [test]

Numbers 3 [test]

Part 5

Comparison - Comparisons [test]

Qualifiers [test]

House 2 - Household 2 [test]

Dates 1 [test]

A: Pred. 2 - Adjectives: Predicative 2 [test]

Location [test]

A: Pred. 3 - Adjectives: Predicative 3 [test]

Places 2 [test]

Medical [test]

Present 2 - Verbs: Present 2 [test]

Dates 2 [test]

People 2 [test]

Future 1 - Verbs Future 1 [test]

Feelings [test]

Time [test]

Freq. - Frequency [test]

V: Modal - Verbs: Modal [test]

Part 6

Adverbs 2 [test]

Nature 2 [test]

Gen. Case - Genitive Case [test]

Occup. 2 - Occupation 2 [test]

Perfect 1 - Verbs: Perfect 1 [test]

Adjectives - Adjectives: Nominative 1 [test]

Adj: Acc. - Adjectives: Accusative [test]

Adj: Dat. - Adjectives: Dative [test]

Direction [test]

Ad: Nom. 2 - Adjectives: Nominative 2 [test]

Adverbs 3 [test]

Preterite - Verbs: Preterite [test]

Weather [test]

Objects [test]

Comm. 1 - Communication 1 [test]

Future 2 - Verbs Future 2 [test]

Internet - Internet & Social Media [test]

Part 7

Past Perf. - Verbs: Past Perfect [test]

Education [test]

Fut. Per. - Verbs: Future Perfect [test]

Phrases 2 - Common Phrases 2 [test]

Science [test]

V: Refl. - Verbs Reflexive [test]

Comm. 2 - Communication 2 [test]

Business 1 [test]

Language [test]

Abs. Ob. 1 - Abstract Objects 1 [test]

Animals 2 [test]

Present 3 - Verbs: Present 3 [test]

Body 2 [test]

Future 3 - Verbs Future 3 [test]

Spiritual [test]

V. Cond. - Verbs: Conditional [test]

Math [test]

Banking [test]

Abs. Ob. 2 - Abstract Objects 2 [test]

Cond. Per. - Verbs: Conditional Perfect [test]

Part 8

Business 2 [test]

Future 4 - Verbs Future 4 [test]

Sports [test]

Perfect 2 - Verbs: Perfect 2 [test]

Arts [test]

Passive V. - Passive Voice [test]

Religion [test]

Politics 1 [test]

Adverbs 4 [test]

Abs. Ob. 3 - Abstract Objects 3 [test]

V. Cond. 2 - Verbs: Conditional 2 [test]

Philosophy [test]

Present 4 - Verbs: Present 4 [test]

Fantasy - Fantasy & Science Fiction [test]

Abs. Ob. 4 - Abstract Objects 4 [test]

Rel. Pron. - Relative Pronouns [test]

Cl. Music - Classical Music [test]

Politics 2 [test]

Culture - German Culture [test]

The World [test]

General information

Last update: 2020-06-29