Vocab per Skill Unit for the Greek / EN Course (95 Skills)

Part 1

WarmUp - Warm Up [test]

S Triad - The S Triad [test]

Which the? - Which the ? [test]

Stretch - Stretching [test]

Go [test]

Basics 1 [test]

Basics 2 [test]

Phrases - Common Phrases [test]

Part 2

Possess. - Possessives [test]

Food [test]

Family [test]

Animals 1 [test]

Plurals [test]

Clothing [test]

Questions [test]

Be & Have - Revision: To Be, To Have & Basic Personal Pronouns [test]

Accusative - Accusative Case [test]

Part 3

Present 1 - Present Simple 1 [test]

Colors [test]

Determin. - Determiners [test]

Pers. pron - Personal objective pronouns [test]

Genitive - Genitive Case [test]

Weather 1 [test]

Prepos. - Prepositions [test]

Numbers [test]

Appearance [test]

Adject. - Adjectives 1 [test]

Dates - Dates and Time [test]

Occupation - Occupations [test]

Conjun. - Conjunctions [test]

Defin. Pr. - Reflexive & Definite Pronouns [test]

Objects [test]

Character [test]

Part 4

House - Household [test]

Present 2 [test]

Sizes - Sizes and Quantity [test]

Subj. Pres - Verbs: Subjunctive Present [test]

Indef. Pr. - Indefinite Pronouns [test]

Present 3 [test]

Adverbs [test]

S.Past 1 - Simple Past 1 [test]

Imper. 1 - Imperative (Active Voice) [test]

Subj. Aor. - Subjunctive Aorist [test]

Places [test]

Directions [test]

Act. Part. - Active Participles [test]

People [test]

Passive Pr - Present Passive [test]

Greece [test]

Part 5

Fut. Cont. - Future Continuous (Active & Passive) \[[test](https://www.duolingo.com/skill/el/Future-Continuous-(Active-&-Passive)/test)\]

Countries - Countries & Nationalities [test]

Past S. 2 - Past Simple 2 [test]

Adverbs 2 [test]

Adject. 2 - Adjectives 2 [test]

Pron. Rel. - Pronouns relative [test]

Transport - Transportation & Travel [test]

Adj. Comp. - Adjectives-comparison [test]

Feelings [test]

Past Pass. - Past Simple Passive [test]

Part.Pass - Participles Passive [test]

Adv. Comp. - Adverbs Comparison [test]

Abstr. Obj - Abstract Objects [test]

Past.Cont. - Past Continuous [test]

Nature [test]

Education [test]

Imp. Pass. - Imperative Passive [test]

Adject. 3 - Adjectives 3 [test]

Athletics [test]

Past.C.Pas - Past Continuous Passive [test]

Subj.Pass - Subjunctive Passive [test]

Arts [test]

Comm/tion - Communication [test]

Abs. Ob. 2 - Abstract Objects 2 [test]

Future S. - Future Simple (Active) [test]

Pr.Perfect - Present Perfect (Active & Passive) [test]

Medical [test]

Animals 2 [test]

Fut.S.Pass - Future Simple Passive [test]

Politics - Politics & Society [test]

Materials [test]

Past Perf. - Past Perfect (Active & Passive) [test]

Science - Science & Technology [test]

Computers [test]

Soc. Media - Social Media [test]

Shopping [test]

Math - Mathematics & Geometry [test]

Weather 2 [test]

Future Per - Future Perfect (Act & Pass) [test]

Business [test]

History [test]

Spiritual [test]

Condit. - Verbs: Conditional [test]

Philosophy - Philosophy & Mind [test]

Events [test]

Mythology - Fairytales & Mythology [test]

General information

Last update: 2021-03-09