Vocab per Skill Unit for the Spanish / EN Course (159 skills)

Part 1

Intro - Introduction [test]

Phrases - Common Phrases [test]

Travel [test]

Restaurant [test]

Family [test]

Shopping [test]

School [test]

People [test]

Part 2

Greetings [test]

Travel 2 [test]

Schedule [test]

People 2 [test]

People 3 [test]

School 2 [test]

Family 2 [test]

Work [test]

Emotions [test]

People 4 [test]

Fashion [test]

Travel 3 [test]

Leisure [test]

Activities [test]

Preference [test]

Routines [test]

Household [test]

Rest. 2 - Restaurant 2 [test]

Family 3 [test]

Shopping 2 [test]

Descrip. - Description [test]

Recreation [test]

Community [test]

Phrases 2 [test]

Commun. 2 - Community 2 [test]

Routines 2 [test]

Part 3

Activ. 2 - Activities 2 [test]

Weather [test]

Interest - Interests [test]

Info. - Information [test]

Descrip. 2 - Description 2 [test]

Travel 4 [test]

Interest 2 - Interests 2 [test]

Groceries [test]

Requests [test]

Routines 3 [test]

School 3 [test]

Shopping 3 [test]

Plans [test]

Activ. 3 - Activities 3 [test]

House 2 - Household2 [test]

Commun. 3 - Community 3 [test]

Directions [test]

Memories [test]

Farm [test]

Rec. 2 - Recreation 2 [test]

Vacation [test]

Shopping 4 [test]

Descrip. 3 - Description 3 [test]

Nature [test]

Travel 5 [test]

School 4 [test]

History [test]

Home [test]

Part 4

Pref. 2 - Preference 2 [test]

Work 2 [test]

Childhood [test]

Restaur. 3 - Restaurant 3 [test]

Rec. 3 - Recreation 3 [test]

Traditions [test]

Social [test]

Memories 2 [test]

House 3 - Household 3 [test]

Health [test]

Info. 2 - Information 2 [test]

Descrip. 4 - Description 4 [test]

Activ. 4 - Activities 4 [test]

Child. 2 - Childhood 2 [test]

Story - Storytelling [test]

Vacation 2 [test]

Narrative [test]

Anecdotes [test]

Work 3 [test]

Story 2 - Storytelling 2 [test]

History 2 [test]

Daily Life [test]

Grocery 2 - Groceries 2 [test]

School 5 [test]

Hobbies [test]

Part 5

Experience - Experiences [test]

Work 4 [test]

Shopping 5 [test]

Health 2 [test]

Child. 3 - Childhood 3 [test]

Vacation 3 [test]

Activity 5 - Activities 5 [test]

Info. 3 - Information 3 [test]

Exper. 2 - Experiences 2 [test]

Family 4 [test]

Travel 6 [test]

Future [test]

School 6 [test]

Anecdote 2 - Anecdotes 2 [test]

Travel 7 [test]

Requests 2 [test]

Nature 2 [test]

Social 2 [test]

House 4 - Household 4 [test]

Shopping 6 [test]

Work 5 [test]

Travel 8 [test]

Requests 3 [test]

Fiction [test]

Descrip. 5 - Description 5 [test]

Requests 4 [test]

Travel 9 [test]

Part 6

Vocab 1 [test]

Home 2 [test]

Occup. 2 - Occupations 2 [test]

Times - Dates and Times [test]

Adj. 1 - Adjectives 1 [test]

Present 1 - Verbs: Present 1 [test]

Grammar [test]

Adverbs [test]

Objects [test]

Places [test]

People 5 [test]

Past - Verbs: Past [test]

Present 2 - Verbs: Present 2 [test]

Inf. 1 - Infinitives 1 [test]

Fut. Phrs. - Verbs: Future Phrasal [test]

Countries [test]

Adj. 2 - Adjectives 2 [test]

Direct. 2 - Directions 2 [test]

Education [test]

Vocab 2 - Vocabulary 2 [test]

Participle - Pariticiples [test]

Part 7

Feelings [test]

Pres. Prf. - Present Perfect [test]

Past Perf. - Past Perfect [test]

Nature 3 [test]

Vocab 3 [test]

Inf. 2 - Infinitives 2 [test]

Sports [test]

Medical [test]

Gerund [test]

Business [test]

Comm. - Communication [test]

Spiritual [test]

Fut. Tense - Verbs: Future [test]

Arts [test]

Fut. Perf. - Future Perfect [test]

Politics [test]

Subjunc. - Subjunctive [test]

Science [test]

Modals [test]

Condtnl. - Conditional [test]

Past Imp. - Past Imperfect [test]

Past Subj. - Past Subjunctive [test]

Vocab 4 [test]

Cond. Prf. - Conditional Perfect [test]

General information

Last update: 2019-03-30