Vocab per Skill Unit for the French / EN Course (96 skills)

Part 1

Basics 1 [test]

Basics 2 [test]

Phrases - Common Phrases [test]

Plurals 1 [test]

Gallicism - Gallicism: il(s)/elle(s) OR c'/ce? [test]

Basics 3 [test]

Part 2

Food 1 [test]

Animals 1 [test]

Weather 1 [test]

Adject. 1 - Adjectives 1 [test]

Plurals 2 [test]

Clothing [test]

Colors [test]

Possess. 1 - Possessives 1 [test]

Part 3

Present 1 - Verbs: Present 1 [test]

Demonst. 1 - Demonstratives 1 [test]

Conj. 1 - Conjunctions 1 [test]

Questions [test]

Pronouns 1 [test]

Adject. 2 - Adjectives 2 [test]

Present 2 - Verbs: Present 2 [test]

Prepos. 1 - Prepositions 1 [test]

Numbers 1 [test]

Family [test]

Possess. 2 - Possessives 2 [test]

Demonst. 2 - Demonstratives 2 [test]

Time - Dates and time [test]

Infinit. 1 - Verbs: Infinitive 1 [test]

Adverbs 1 [test]

Near time - Near future and near past [test]

Occupation - Occupations [test]

Negatives [test]

Conj. 2 - Conjunctions 2 [test]

Adverbs 2 [test]

Part 4

Cmp Past 1 - Verbs: Compound Past 1 [test]

House 1 - Household 1 [test]

Objects [test]

Adject. 3 - Adjectives 3 [test]

Prepos. 2 - Prepositions 2 [test]

Places 1 [test]

Cmp Past 2 - Verbs: Compound Past 2 [test]

House 2 - Household 2 [test]

Irr. Plur. - Irregular Plurals [test]

People [test]

Present 3 - Verbs: Present 3 [test]

Countries [test]

Pronominal - Pronominal Verbs [test]

Past Imp. - Verbs: Past Imperfect [test]

Directions [test]

Numbers 2 [test]

Animals 2 [test]

Comp Pas 3 - Compound Past 3 [test]

Places 2 [test]

Feelings 1 [test]

Possess. 3 - Possessives 3 [test]

Part 5

Demonst. 3 - Demonstratives 3 [test]

Body [test]

Adject. 4 - Adjectives 4 [test]

Pronouns 2 [test]

Infinit. 2 - Verbs: Infinitive 2 [test]

Abs. Ob. 1 - Abstract Objects [test]

Communic. - Communication [test]

Adverbs 3 [test]

Abs. Ob. 2 - Abstract Objects 2 [test]

Cmp Past 4 - Compound Past 4 [test]

Food 2 [test]

Infinit. 3 - Verbs: Infinitive 3 [test]

Passive V. - Passive Voice [test]

Prepos. 3 - Prepositions 3 [test]

Adject. 5 - Adjectives 5 [test]

Infinit. 4 - Verbs: Infinitive 4 [test]

Abs. Ob. 3 - Abstract Objects 3 [test]

Pluperfect - Verbs: Pluperfect [test]

Nature [test]

Materials [test]

Arts [test]

Future - Verbs: Future [test]

Measures - Weights and Measurements [test]

Weather 2 [test]

Adverbs 4 [test]

Medical [test]

Subj. Pre. - Verbs Subjunctive Present [test]

Politics [test]

Feelings 2 [test]

Education [test]

Imperative - Verbs: Imperative [test]

Condit. - Verbs: Conditional [test]

Science [test]

Past Cond. - Verbs: Past Conditional [test]

Pres. Part - Verbs: Present Participle [test]

Technology [test]

Transport. - Transportation [test]

Past Subj. - Verbs: Past Subjunctive [test]

Economics [test]

Sports [test]

Spiritual [test]

General information

Last update: 2018-10-29