Vocab per Skill Unit for the Hebrew / EN Course (84 skills)

Part 1

Letters 1 [test]

Letters 2 [test]

Letters 3 [test]

Phrases - Common Phrases [test]

Basics [test]

There is - There is/To Have [test]

Adj. Intro - Introduction to adjectives [test]

Part 2

Food 1 [test]

Animals [test]

Plurals [test]

Possess.1 - Possessives 1 [test]

Adj. 1 - Adjectives 1 - Basics [test]

Dir. Obj. - Direct Object [test]

Food 2 [test]

Clothing [test]

Present 1 - Verbs: Present - Pa'al [test]

Colors [test]

Prep. 1 - Prepositions 1 [test]

Part 3

Numbers 1 [test]

Questions [test]

Determiner - Determiners [test]

Occupation - Occupations [test]

Conjunc. - Conjunctions [test]

Prep 2. - Prepositions 2 [test]

Possess.2 - Possessives 2 [test]

Present 2 - Verbs: Present - Pi'el [test]

Time - Dates and Time [test]

Adj. 2 - Adjectives 2 [test]

Adverbs [test]

Family [test]

Home - Home Sweet Home [test]

Part 4

Const. 1 - Construct State 1 [test]

Infinitv.1 - Infinitives 1 [test]

Weather [test]

Places [test]

Present 3 - Verbs: Present - Hiph'il [test]

People [test]

Numbers 2 [test]

Modals [test]

Education [test]

Travel [test]

Past Act. - Verbs: Past Active 1 [test]

Comparison [test]

Objects [test]

Pres.Reflx - Verbs: Present Reflexive - Hitpa'el [test]

Adj. 3 - Adjectives 3 [test]

Abs. Ob. 1 - Abstract Objects 1 [test]

Imper. 1 - Imperative 1 [test]

Languages [test]

Part 5

Emergency! [test]

Future 1 - Verbs: Future Active 1 [test]

Passive - Passive: Pa'ul, Pu'al and Huf'al [test]

Ref. Pron. - Pronouns: Reflexive [test]

Nif'al - Nif'al Construction [test]

Nature [test]

Decisions - Discussions and decisions [test]

Imper. 2 - Imperative 2 [test]

Pas. Ac. 2 - Verbs: Past Active 2 [test]

Pas.Nif'al - Past Nif'al [test]

Feelings [test]

Geometry [test]

Abs. Ob. 2 - Abstract Objects 2 [test]

Infinitv.2 - Infinitives 2 [test]

Const. 2 - Construct State 2 [test]

Condit. - The Conditional [test]

Medical [test]

Future 2 [test]

Part 6

Religion [test]

Arts [test]

Neg. Imp. - Negative Imperatives [test]

Technology - Technology and Communication [test]

Verbal N. - Verbal Nouns [test]

Science [test]

Music [test]

Sports [test]

Politics [test]

Diminutive - Diminutives [test]

Legends [test]

Futur.Nif. - Future Nif'al [test]

Formal [test]

Business [test]

Space - Outer Space [test]

Festivals - Jewish Festivals [test]

Israel - Welcome To Israel [test]

General information

Last update: 2019-04-17