Vocab per Skill Unit for the High Valyrian / EN Course (38 skills)

Part 1

Basics 1 [test]

Phrases 1 [test]

Basics 2 [test]

Dem. 1 - Demonstratives 1 [test]

Lunar - Lunar Class [test]

Solar - Solar Class [test]

Aquatic - Aquatic Class [test]

Terres. - Terrestrial Class [test]

Genitive [test]

Poss. Adj. - Possessive Adjectives [test]

Part 2

Family [test]

Questions [test]

Animals [test]

Present - Present Tense [test]

Sizes [test]

Food [test]

Dative [test]

Negation [test]

Pronouns [test]

Locative [test]

Phrases 2 [test]

Part 3

Colors [test]

Commands [test]

Perfect [test]

Instr. - Instrumental [test]

Comitative [test]

Body - The Human Body [test]

Adverbs [test]

Numerals 1 [test]

Future [test]

Infinitive [test]

Dem. 2 - Demonstratives 2 [test]

The World - The Known World [test]

Part 4

Passive - Passive Voice [test]

Nature [test]

Clothing [test]

Emotions [test]

Valence - Advanced Valence [test]

General information

Last update: 2019-04-24