Vocab per Skill Unit for the Hawaiian / EN Course (38 Skills)

Part 1

Intro - Intro 1 [test]

Determiner - Determiners [test]

Greetings - Greetings and Goodbyes [test]

Polite Exp - Polite Expressions [test]

People - Personal Detail [test]

ʻOhana [test]

Weather [test]

Household [test]

Likes - Likes & Dislikes [test]

Food 1 [test]

Numbers 1 [test]

Dates [test]

Time - Telling Time [test]

Food 2 [test]

Directions - Basic Directions [test]

Leisure - Leisure Activities [test]

Purchases - Making Purchases [test]

Order Food - Ordering Food [test]

Habits [test]

Determ. 2 - Determiners 2 [test]

O and A - O and A Class [test]

Home Life [test]

ʻOhana 2 [test]

Social - Social Interactions [test]

Numbers 2 [test]

School 1 [test]

ʻOhana 3 [test]

School 2 [test]

Sports [test]

Music - Playing Music [test]

Exercise [test]

Purchase 2 - Making Purchases 2 [test]

Direct. 2 - Directions 2 [test]

Likes 2 - Likes & Dislikes 2 [test]

Health 1 - Health & Body Care [test]

Health 2 - Mental Wellness [test]

Body Care [test]

People 2 - Describing People [test]

General information

Last update: 2021-05-20