Vocab per Skill Unit for the Indonesian / EN Course (69 skills)

Part 1

Basics 1 [test]

Intro - Introduction [test]

Basics 2 [test]

Greetings [test]

Restaurant [test]

Places 1 [test]

Base Verbs [test]

Possessive - Possesive Pronouns [test]

Clothing [test]

Conj 1 - Conjunctives 1 [test]

Plurals [test]

Part 2

Ber- Verbs [test]

Questions [test]

Colors [test]

Me- 1 - Me- Verbs 1 [test]

Adj 1 - Adjectives [test]

Numbers [test]

Me- 2 - Me- Verbs 2 [test]

Adj 2 - Adjective 2 [test]

Family [test]

Kitchen [test]

Conj 2 - Conjunctives 2 [test]

Jobs - Professions [test]

Time - Dates and Time 1 [test]

Part 3

Adverbs 1 [test]

Di- - Di-Verbs [test]

Body - The Body [test]

-an [test]

Direction [test]

Command [test]

House - Household [test]

Animals [test]

Dates 2 - Dates and Time 2 [test]

Adverbs 2 [test]

Pe-an [test]

Feelings [test]

Particles [test]

Ter- - Ter- Participles [test]

Education [test]

Me-kan 1 - Me-kan Verbs 1 [test]

Sprlative - Superlatives and Comparison [test]

Me-kan 2 - Me-kan Verbs 2 [test]

Travel [test]

Measure - Measures [test]

Di-kan [test]

Feelings 2 [test]

Medical [test]

Part 4

Nature [test]

Comm - Communication [test]

Me-i [test]

Preps 2 - Prepositions 2 [test]

Materials [test]

Objects [test]

Science [test]

Di-i [test]

Art [test]

Spiritual [test]

Memper- [test]

Business [test]

Counters [test]

Diper- [test]

Sports [test]

Politics [test]

Places 2 [test]

Ke-an - Ke-an Nouns [test]

Rdpl verbs - Reduplication verbs [test]

People [test]

Pe- [test]

Countries [test]

General information

Last update: 2019-03-02